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Nature table


This Summer the heat has been different. A sticky humid heat, rather then a burning dry heat. Humidity only relieved through the wonderful Summer storms. With rain bucketing down in great sheets. My dog urgently racing around anxious from the sound of thunder. As the children and I sing

I hear thunder, I hear thunder, 
hark don’t you, hark don’t you
pitter patter raindrops, pitter patter raindrops
I’m wet through, so are you

After the downpour – or sometimes during – my big boy and I check for flood areas. Our new home has a few spots where in a heavy rain we can end up with quite the pool of water. He thinks this is a great adventure!

This Summer we have spent many a morning outside until lunchtime. At a park, river or garden. Playing, just playing, exploring and picnicking. Wherever there are sticks my boy is happy. And my daughter has a brilliant war cry for their games!

Other mornings have been spent in our garden. Weeding, paving, tidying. While the children check for strawberries and tomatoes. Soon I think we will get chickens. We have an egg basket ready!

And my little babe wants to join in the fun. My lad picks him up and takes him along to play. My daughter happily makes him laugh. My babe crawls to their games and they build him cubby houses.

These are special days.

Warmly, Kelly

A Spring Nature table

By the end of Winter I was so very ready for Spring. I was itching to get outside, itching to change up our reading basket, itching to transition our nature table from Winter to Spring.

So day by day in that last week, I changed the items. First the Winter fairy door disappeared, and a rainbow door came to take its place. King Winter returned home while a rabbit hopped into the scene. Lastly, Jack Frost scampered away and a flower peg doll emerged. I even changed the play silks hanging below, shifting from blues and greens to add a little yellow and pink.

We have placed our new nature shelf in our dining room, a central part of our home. Often walked past, but also a place for lingering. The shelf is at child height. So little hands can explore and add pieces of Spring.

In our Springtime garden, rosy morning glow,
Sunshine falling, calling, falling,
seeds are waking so.


This is our alter to Mother Nature. An inside connection to the outside. With little items that represent the season, as well as items from nature itself.

As we flow through the season, so to will the nature table shift and change.

Warmly, Kelly