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birthday crown

Five times around the sun

We recently celebrated Dino Boy’s 5th birthday
He woke up full of excitement, wondering what his special day might bring!
After cuddles in bed, we went to find his presents on the kitchen table
which he excitedly opened, before making the Lego he received with his dad
Then it was off to his nana’s for the day, while his dad and I went to work
That night we enjoyed a quiet family celebration, with a simple mama made birthday cake
 His birthday celebrations continued when he was next at school
With his Waldorf preschool teacher sharing his birthday story
…and presenting him with his crown & candles

Then come the weekend, and a birthday party with friends
In the backyard they played and enjoyed fresh fruit and popcorn

Before the wonderful treasure island birthday cake that his dad made!
It even had treasure buried in it {mini m&m’s}
Then his little guests headed home with their goodie bags {minus the lollies!}

Happy memories,