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craft swap

Spring placemats

One of my favourite things about sharing in this space ~ Happy Whimsical Hearts
 is the connections I make, and I’m lucky to have made many wonderful ones!

And many of these connections have led to the exchange of friendship, post cards and crafts!

Like these gorgeous Spring inspired placemats ~ made by a lovely reader
and swapped for some wooden toys I made *grin* 

Aren’t they wonderful!! Thank you Janet.
Happy days,

Peg dolls


We’ve been reading Snugglepot and Cuddlepie
a gorgeous book that my mum read to me when I was a little tacker
 And so when I joined We Bloom Here’s peg doll swap
I was feeling rather inspired *smile*
{from Snugglepot and Cuddlepie}
Then as I was walking to get some lunch at work the other day
I discovered the most ginormous! acorn caps
so gleefully collected a little pile *grin*
And these little peg people came to be
Now they are ready for their journeys to their new homes…
…at Homemade HappyTriskele-threads


Happy days,
