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Date and Almond Balls

Happy lil ❤’s are baking ~ date and macadamia balls

What did you bake or cook with your kids this week?

Below is a linky list so you can join in the fun and start sharing what you bake with your kids! Family favourites, new recipes, cultural or traditional recipes – you name it, we’d like to read about them, and if you include the details, try them out 🙂 

I love finding great new {to me} blogs like Healthy Kids Happy Mama!
 There are so many yummy looking toddler friendly recipes on this blog *smile*
  Dino Boy and I tried their Date and Almond Ball recipe
although because we didn’t make it to the shops we substituted macadamia nuts for almonds…
And they were a hit!
Even as we were making them Dino Boy told me … these smell great mum!
{and he is right, the mixture of the spices and orange peel smells so good}
Once they were finished and sampled I was told how scrumptious they are *smile*
{loving his vocabulary at the moment ~ so descriptive and enthusiastic!!}

And now, we can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to in the kitchen with your kids!
~ Please link up
~ Use our button (from the sidebar) so others can join the fun
~ I’d also love for you to follow us, and why wouldn’t you want to 😉

Happy baking, Kelly