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flower paint

It’s flower paint!

Max loves to use his dad’s tools. Screwdrivers, spanners and especially hammers! So when I came across flower pounding on Rhythm of the Home (love that site!) I knew we had to give it a try!

Max carried my little basket from when I was small, and we wandered around the garden choosing our flower palette. We picked lavender, bottle brush, pansies, love-in-the-mist and many others.

When I got the hammers out and helped Max lay his flowers on paper, with tea towels on top, he seemed rather curious! What would we use the hammer for?! Once he saw what to do, off he went – pounding away happily.


He kept peeking as he went, and when he saw what was happening cried ‘it’s flower paint!’


Flower paint indeed *grin*

Blessings, Kelly