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Gnome family

We haven’t been crafting as much lately… 
lots of time playing outside instead
{who can resist Spring play in the garden!}
But when Dino Boy spotted a recently delivered parcel… {from Clickity Clack}
 containing little peg dolls and mushrooms he couldn’t wait!
So we worked together to prepare some watercolour paints
Dino Boy choosing which colours he’d like…
to bring them to life *smile*

Once they had dried we chatted about whether they needed hats, clothes, or wings

The mama, boy and baby girl needed wings, he told me
While the dada needed to look ballet

Since their creation this little gnomie family has enjoyed lots of play *smile*

Happy crafting,

Toys for babes

For sweet little handmade wooden toys you wouldn’t believe I broke 3 blades on the scroll saw in their creation would you?! All the same I think they will be played with happily, chewed and thrown around by a little one in the near future *smile*

And, I’ve already got a menagerie of other animals ready to emerge shortly 🙂

Otherwise, I am slowly knitting up a donsy of soft cuddly gnomies for little hands to grab, cuddle and hold (using this pattern).

Also, Husband of Mine has requested a viking hat and beard for his birthday (which is, eek! next week) ~ any suggestions on patterns (that are quick!)?

Joining in the fun at Keep Calm Craft On {crafting on} at Frontier Dreams.

Warmly, Kelly