Happy knitting, Kelly
knitting nancy
When I was young I learnt to knit using a knitting nancy. It was a beautiful wooden lady and using her to knit was rather magical. When I heard that my young neice enjoys crafting, I decided to share some knitting nancy magic with her.
I looked in craft shops for one, but only found crude, ugly plastic ones. So I decided to make one, but it wasn’t until I read a post at Hinterland Mama about knitting nancy’s that I was truly inspired!
Off I went to our local hardware store where I bought a wooden chair foot. Husband of Mine happened to be using the drill that afternoon, and quickly drilled out a hole for me. Using the dremmel I softened the edges and sanded so the wool won’t snag.
To decorate it, I decided to use the wood burner, followed by milk paint. Next I hammered in the nails before leaving it smelling delicious with a beeswax and olive oil treatment 🙂
I can’t wait to see what Tia creates with it! Or to make more 😉
Happy crafting, Kelly