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A mermaid bath

Dino Boy and I got a bit adventurous in the last couple of weeks…
…we tried our hands at mosaic and made a mermaid bath!
Our local hardware store is one of our favourite places to visit…
So many wonderful supplies and possibilities!!
We happily chose some mermaid-y mosaic tiles, mosaic adhesive glue and mortar

We couldn’t wait to get home and get started!
Mind you, we really had no idea about making a mosaic…
But we simply leapt right in *smile*

Dino Boy was patient and careful placing the tiles in our bath…
But before too long he told me that I could glue them while he played…
He had a wonderful time sorting and arranging our mosaic tiles on the table *smile*

While I continued gluing… which was a peaceful and calming activity
Next we mixed up the mortar and Dino Boy spread it over our bath…
The sides got a little tricky…so I got to have a go too *smile*

Before wiping the excess off…
{while Dino Boy became the camera man}

We love how it turned out *smile*
{although I’m sure we broke many ‘mosaic rules’ ~ if such things exist!}

And we will be doing more mosaics in the future… such fun!

We can happily imagine mermaids frolicking in the depths of our mosaic bath  
can’t you…

Happy crafting, Kelly