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mud pie

Mud pies and other recipes ~ book inspired play


I’m quite a bookworm, and love finding new books to enjoy and explore with the kids. So when Jackie from My Little Bookcase recommended Mud Pies and Other Recipes I could not resist!
Mud Pies and Other Recipes by Marjorie Winslow is a gorgeous recipe book for child mud chefs to create amazing delicacies for their doll friends.


Mud Puddle Soup
 Find a mud puddle after a rainstorm and seat your dolls around it. Serve.
Erik Blegvad’s retro illustrations are the perfect complement to this sweet book. And it is a wonderfully fun read, that we giggle along to as we go *grin*


Even better, it has inspired a new level of mud kitchen play in our backyard *grin*
With the kids getting super creative in their ‘cooking’, and making their desserts look so pretty and delicious!


Pick a dandelion from the lawn carefully, so as not to disturb the fluff. 
Hand it to your doll and tell her to lick.


Dino Boy likes to scour the garden for pretty petals and leaves… Making wonderfully decorated hellebore ‘chocolate’ mousse for his doll friends. And mud flower soup for me *grin*



While Little Miss Q luxuriates in the wonderful texture and mess of it all! Running her hands through the glorious mud and tipping the contents from one baking tray to another!



There were showers at the end of this happy and messy play!
Happy days,