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play spaces

Beautiful window blocks

Window blocks are so super pretty
I adore watching the kids play with them
…and they are fascinated by the colour effects they can create by moving the blocks around



Making little villages, houses, cities or just stacking  them to see how tall they can go!
Mixing them in with other blocks, play silks and rocks
Investigating and exploring


A lovely thank you to Kate from An Everyday Story for inspiring us to new block play heights *grin*
And we’re not the only ones inspired…
pop over to Mummy Musings & Mayhem and Paint on the Ceiling to see more!


We got our window blocks here

Happy playtime

Indoor play spaces

Together with Lavendilly, I am opening the door to our home for a play spaces tour
~ welcome and enjoy ~

In our cottage sized home we need to choose furniture and toys carefully, to keep some room for the couch to become a shop {as it does frequently}! And for lego roads to roam free across the floor.Many of our toys and toy organisation were chosen before we discovered Waldorf. And so, although we may have chosen differently since our happy discovery, the toys were still carefully chosen and are well played with. Over time we may carefully replace some with more natural materials.


In the lounge room we have…


~ blocks and other wooden accessories for building fabulous lands
~ a tea set and baking set
~ play silks for dress ups, small world play & throwing around
{not so fond of the throwing!}~ a doll house and Duplo
A dress up nook…
~ be a doctor, a dinosaur
~ clown or dragon
In Dino Boy’s room we have


~ a wooden train set
~ some puzzles
~ trucks & cars
~ some soft balls



 As well as a rocket ship!
And a lego tent?!
…otherwise known as a reading nook
{which is a new addition from Husband of Mine}


~ soft toys for cuddling and playing mama
~ and gnomes in every colour of the rainbow!



As well as a special reading nook
{together with a favourite book… Pip the Gnome}
and then there are the plans for the future…

 …a play kitchen, wooden doll house & barn

I hope you’ve enjoyed this tour of our play spaces! Pop over to Lavendilly to see their play spaces!
How do you organise your play spaces? What do your children play with most happily?
