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Making crowns and playsilks

Recently I resolved to spend less. Less on food. Less on books. And less on craft supplies. These are probably my main spending vices. But also things I really enjoy.

My wonderful friend suggested that I still allow myself to buy craft supplies but use them to create handmade gifts. That way I can still enjoy making and creating. And then I can give handmade.

I think this means I get to have my cake and eat it too!

So I’ve been knitting up gorgeous crowns in lovely vibrant 16 ply wool using this pattern. And dyeing my own playsilks ~ again in bright brilliant colours ~ using acid dye.

I’m pretty pleased with the results and hope the recipients are enjoying them! And who knows, maybe I’ll make enough to sell at the markets!

Happy days,

Beautiful window blocks

Window blocks are so super pretty
I adore watching the kids play with them
…and they are fascinated by the colour effects they can create by moving the blocks around



Making little villages, houses, cities or just stacking  them to see how tall they can go!
Mixing them in with other blocks, play silks and rocks
Investigating and exploring


A lovely thank you to Kate from An Everyday Story for inspiring us to new block play heights *grin*
And we’re not the only ones inspired…
pop over to Mummy Musings & Mayhem and Paint on the Ceiling to see more!


We got our window blocks here

Happy playtime