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Summer nature table… and some ponderings

Summer has ran hot and cold, a strange mix but oddly appropriate as a match for my emotions and mood.

After Christmas the urge to tidy away the tree, decorations and change the nature table was strong and quick. So we did.

A general clean up around our home and garden followed, and now I feel much more at ease. It is funny how things can suddenly overwhelm. Tidying away, throwing out and cleaning are strangely therapeutic. I guess it is about gaining control again, but also less is more.

Our Summer nature table then slowly took shape.

First a summery fairy door, gnome and vase full of succulents. Then over the weeks to come other summery items have been added ~ a postcard full of sunlight, a butterfly, fairy and bee. And some shells collected from our days at the beach after Christmas.

Summer held in reverence and celebration of this time of the year.

Warmly, Kelly

What is it about Waldorf?

So, what is it about Waldorf?

What has drawn my family to this lifestyle and educational path?

As I learn more about Waldorf, the more I identify with this approach, the more I aspire to parent in this way. So I thought I would share what it is about Waldorf that resonates with me and why I think it suits my family {and I should say, there is still so much for me to learn!}



Having a rhythm to our days helps them flow, with clear points anchoring the day, but with flexibility should inspiration strike or something unexpected come up.

Our rhythm provides a sense of balance, times of breathing in {time with me on a set task} and breathing out {free play}. And we often transition using song.

My children seem to thrive with the expectation of what will occur during their days. And love knowing tomorrow is bread day, drawing day or daddy day.

Even as a working mum having a rhythm through the evening to bedtime gives me time to reconnect with them… using candlelight to anchor us and provide moments of intention.




When visiting a Waldorf school for the first time, the beauty of the play spaces opened my eyes to a different way to inspire play.

With beautiful & simple toys made from natural materials. Bountiful baskets of loose parts such as blocks or shells for open ended play. Together with homely areas with play kitchens and dolls for play through imitation…

There is a focus on unstructured play and unscheduled time… to allow them to be in their bodies and go at their own pace, immersing themselves in their play… as if in their own little worlds.



Nature & the seasons
There is a focus on nature and the seasons through daily awareness and appreciation.

With the change of the seasons come stories, songs, crafts and baking that hold the season in reverence. And with this comes an understanding of the World around us.

I hear my son playing, and as he does he sings to himself about falling leaves in Autumn, butterflies in Spring, sunshine in Summer, before turning to King Winter during the cold months.

For me, this focus on nature and the seasons has elements of ritual… of honouring Mother Earth and the natural rhythm.


Embracing Waldorf has brought creativity into our home. Creativity that leads to beauty and inspires wonder.

Before starting our little family, I would not have described myself as a creative person.. not since I was a child myself!

Making my own toys, and rediscovering handmade has helped me appreciate the value of things, to be satisfied with less and reawakened my creative spark.

And my children amaze me with their own creativity, which I observe in their play, their drawings and their crafts. Thank goodness for creativity!


Festivals & celebration

With Waldorf there is great emphasis on celebrating the festivals of the year, including Easter, Christmas and birthdays.

These celebrations provide special anchor points throughout the year. They help build family and community traditions ~ with a Waldorf twist!

Such as bringing special homemade aspects to these celebrations… like a homemade birthday banner, or gingerbread house

And the night before my children’s birthday, I tell them about the day they were born ~ a story they love!


For me and my family, Waldorf brings a general slowing down, in great contrast to my time outside the home for work. And a gentleness that I hope provides my children with support and love in their endeavours.

So we aim for simplicity, in our home generally, with our toys, our books {okay, I struggle a bit with this one!} and with our thoughts and intentions.

We try to ensure our days are not filled to the brim, allowing time for whatever may come ~ a challenging aspiration in our culture of busy fullness.

And so to us, Waldorf is a work in progress. With areas for improvement, like a reduction in screen time.. where we aim to find a balance that works for us.

I hope you enjoyed this little taste of what it is about Waldorf that we love

Now, I’d love to know…
What do you love about Waldorf?
Or if you are new to Waldorf, what would you like to hear more about?

Warmly, Kelly

This post was part of the series
How to bring Waldorf into your home…’
by Kelly of Happy Whimsical Hearts

You can see more from this series here.