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toadstool nook


The other day, while Little Miss Q slept…
Dino Boy and I baked *smile*

Gingerbread… he decided
And so we got the ingredients ready for him to make the dough

30 g butter
60 g brown sugar
4 tbsp golden syrup
pinch salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 cup flour
cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and cayenne pepper to taste

These days I can step back…
…and let him do much of the baking himself…
{and he loves that he can}

So he melted the butter, sugar and syrup before adding the dry ingredients *smile*
Then worked it until is was a good dough, before rolling it out and cutting his shapes!

We enjoyed our afternoon tea at our Toadstool Nook
Eating up shooting stars and angry cats *wink*

And isn’t there something lovely…
…about drinking homemade lemonade from a jar *smile* 

Surrounded by beautiful blooming poppies!

Gush ~ my little man makes me smile
Happy days,

Painting stump seats

One of our favourite spots in the garden is our toadstool nook…
Many a picnic and afternoon tea have been enjoyed here *smile*
Recently I noticed how faded and chipped our stump seats were looking…
…never mind the toadstool table and stools!

So out came some brightly coloured paint…
and paint brush *smile*
Painting the stumps didn’t take long
Although I had to keep inquisitive little hands away
{not always successfully!}

It’s amazing what a quick lick of paint can do!
Don’t they look fun and inviting *smile*

And just right in amongst the beautiful Spring garden
{this is a photo from last year… can’t wait for the plants to bloom soon!}

Do you have special nooks in your garden?

Happy days,