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How to make a maypole

may pole

My husband is very used to hearing me say ‘I have an idea’. It may elicit a groan, but not always. And it doesn’t always mean I am asking for his help, but sometimes it does *wink*

My most recent idea was making a maypole for my Waldorf playgroup. Something on a smaller scale than the beautiful maypole at our Waldorf Spring Fair. And something easy to set up and pull down. And then it came to me ~ why not use a Christmas tree stand!

maypole base

maypole stand

We used a long branch (that we had in the garden for loose parts play) as our pole. My husband drilled a hole at the top of the branch and screwed in an eye screw. Then I placed the pole in the Christmas tree stand, tightening it up to hold the pole in place. I also added some sand to help stabilise it.

Next was the wonderfully colourful step of adding ribbon! I used 6 colours that were 3 meters in length. I folded them in half and used a slip knot to tie them to the eye screw.


eye screw

And then we just needed to pop it in place on the day, using tent pegs to hold the stand steady.eye screw for maypole  maypole ribbon and branch

Next week I will share photos from our Spring maypole celebration *grin*

And if you would like to see how to make a permanent or stronger maypole visit my friend Gae at Cherished Hearts at Home.

Happy days, Kelly