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Waldorf advent

Advent helpers


This post is sponsored by Sparkle Stories

Max is so very excited about Advent this year.

After listening to Martin & Sylvia’s Audio Advent he asked if he could be an Advent Helper.

The Advent Helper sends magical letters to children in the lead up to Christmas.


Max has so many advent ideas! First we needed to get craft supplies to write Advent letters to Ruby and Teddy!

He carefully cut out numbers and stuck them onto our red and green envelopes.

Next we made a list of things to do on our journey to Christmas.


On the 2nd of December we will bring out our Christmas books

On the 4th of December the children will start making Christmas gifts

On the 10th of December we will watch a family Christmas movie

On the 15th of December we will bake shortbread

And on Christmas Eve we will look at the Christmas lights in our neighbourhood.


But on the 1st of December, Max wanted us to write a letter to Ruby and Teddy explaining how advent would work this year.

This is like the letter the Advent Helpers sent to Martin & Sylvia

And he has been asking me when he can post it to them ever since *grin*


I love that Max is so very excited about our Advent journey, but more than that, he wants to make it magical for his sister and brother.

And that is the spirit of Christmas working through him,

Max has also discovered Sparkle Stories new Junkyard Tales audio advent. I wonder what new ideas he will have for next year now!

And if you’d like to have a listen, you can start your Sparkle Stories Free 10-Day Trial now!








A Waldorf advent journey


This post is sponsored by Honeybee Toys

On our Advent journey this year, we will be celebrating Earth’s natural kingdoms, in the Waldorf tradition.

The first light of Advent is the light of stones–
Light that lives in crystals, seashells, and bones.
The second light of Advent is the light of plants–
Plants that reach up to the sun and in the breezes dance.
The third light of Advent is the light of beasts–
All await the birth, from the greatest and in least.
The fourth light of Advent is the light of humankind–
The light of hope that we may learn to love and understand.


We are using our birthday ring ~ repurposed for Advent ~ where each Sunday of Advent we will light a candle.

Our Advent ring will sit atop a beautiful blue playsilk, with a rose red playsilk in the centre.

Colours traditionally used in many Waldorf households as the colours of Mary. Blue representing thoughtfulness and introspection, while the blush red speaks to our human nature.

And guiding the way is the Angel.


For the first week of Advent we will place semi precious stones and seashells.

The first light of Advent is the light of stone–.
Light that lives in crystals, seashells, and bones.

We will light the candle with reverence and contemplation.


For the second week of advent we will place sweet flowers and leaves.

The second light of Advent is the light of plants–
Plants that reach up to the sun and in the breezes dance.


We will place wooden animals around our Advent ring for the start of the third week

The third light of Advent is the light of beasts–
All await the birth, from the greatest and in least.


And for the fourth week of Advent, we will place Mary and Joseph, with baby Jesus

The fourth light of Advent is the light of humankind–
The light of hope that we may learn to love and understand


We will soak up this slow and reflective journey.

Slowly building anticipation as we move closer to Christmas.

Our lovely Advent supplies are from Honeybee Toys. An Australian Family-owned business with a passion for childhood and the value of real play.

???  You can follow along on Facebook and Instagram to see snippets of our days ???

Blessings, Kelly








