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Wilton’s icing colour dye

A rainbow of playsilks {a tutorial}

We were excited to receive a package of blank playsilk from Dharma Trading last week. Ready and calling out for colour… a rainbow of colour! Or so I like to imagine 😉
I used a medium saucepan just over half full with water. Then I added 1/3 of a teaspoon of Wilton’s Icing Colour and a good lug of vinegar. Stir well and heat until simmering.
(some have a solid colour and some are dappled)
While the dye was heating up I opened up a silk and soaked it through with water before adding it to the pot. Then I let the silk soak up the dye for a good 20 minutes or so, stirring every so often. 
(excuse the mess in the background, it was cleaning day!)
Turn off the heat and let the silk sit in the dye until cool. Then rinse until the water runs clear.
Wash the silk on a gentle cycle before drying (I used a clothes dryer because I was impatient to see the results). And ta da…
(the orange is a little dappled because I used red and yellow to dye it)
Warmly, Kelly