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Yarn along

A Spiral Jacket and our Winter garden

 Finishing a project can be wonderful can’t it!
{well if it has turned out as hoped…}
And I have to admit that I am rather thrilled with Little Miss Q’s spiral jacket!!  
{just don’t look too closely and maybe you can ignore some mistakes!}
I had planned to find a large button, maybe like for a duffel coat, to fasten the jacket…

Then I remembered a pretty butterfly brooch and gave it a go *smile*
And ohhh when I did, I just felt it completed the jacket
{and luckily it has a safety device at the back and is sturdy}
The jacket is so warm and snuggly… perfect for our Winter days…
Days spent exploring our Winter garden *smile*


The pattern is called ‘Spiral Jacket’ and is from Lincraft.
I haven’t had any luck finding it online…
And I’m waiting for an email from Lincraft so I can share more details with you {hopefully}

~ Update from Lincraft ~ 
 The baby spiral jacket pattern has sold out online…
however they have just released an adult version

Sharing at Small Things and Frontier Dreams

 Happy knitting, Kelly

On the needles…

Lately I’ve being knitting, knitting, knitting! And trying out some new techniques *smile*
{although not always successfully!}
After seeing the gorgeous Little Sister’s Dress at No Spring Chicken
…I knew I would love to make one for Little Miss Q
So I ordered some delicious blue wool ~ Junior Navy from Bendigo Wool ~ and slowly started
I nearly have the detailed top section finished and I love the look so far!
At the same time my Nana sent me a stunning pattern *smile*
It is from Lincraft (a craft shop in Australia) and is the Spiral Jacket for toddlers
The lovely wool is Prism.
Knitting the spiral jacket started out as quite the challenge!
After casting on 240 stitches you join on your first round… 
and this was my first attempt with circular knitting… so I’m sure you can guess what I did…
I twisted my knitting
Luckily my Mother-in-law came to my rescue and restarted for me
I’ve just finished the main part of the jacket… using three double pointed needles for the first time!!
Only the sleeves to go!!
I’m quite excited about my knitting projects *smile*
And I am reading A Dance With Dragons by George R.R. Martin.
The book is rather heavy and I am reading it when breastfeeding Little Miss Q…
so my wrist is getting rather sore!
I’m enjoying how the story lines are joining up… it’s like a giant written jigsaw puzzle
and a brilliant one at that!
What have you been knitting and reading?
Warmly, Kelly