While pregnant with Little Miss Q (who is now 17 weeks) I was super busy at work. I was looking after a high profile, high pressure project. After work I often found it hard to ‘switch off’… until I picked up some knitting needles.
My mum had taught me the basic knit stitch when I was a kid, but she’d always cast on and off for me. This time round I figured I should probably learn these for myself (I couldn’t see mum popping over to do it for me!). She did however lend me a book explaining how to do heaps of different stitches and basic ‘how to’ info. Soon I was knitting up a storm and because I was counting stitches and following patterns I was leaving work behind… at work (yay!).
Rectangles seemed to be the order of the day. I’m not quite sure why, but I just wanted to knit rectangles to try out different stitches and wool. Somewhere along the way (maybe around 7 rectangles?) they morphed into an idea for a baby blanket. Once I realised that was where my knitting was headed I was inspired; finding beautiful new wool and using it in different ways to make a blanket with wonderful colours and textures for baby to enjoy.
On my knitting adventure I learnt a lot, how different wool and stitches result in different sized rectangles with varying pull to them (I’m sure there is a more technical way of explaining this‽). When it came time to sew it all together this was a challenge, and I’ve ended up with a bit of a hodge-podge result, but I quite like the look of it.
A good friend of mine (who had knitted a wonderfully beautiful cream snuggle blanket for Master D) suggested how I could bring it all together. I had been thinking of using a fancy edge, but she suggested a simple cream border. Little Miss Q now gets to snuggle down under my handmade blanket, in her cot that both her father and nana-ma slept in as babies 🙂
This blanket was my start into rediscovering handiwork and crafts.
Thanks for reading, Kelly
how pretty! I just started knitting and would love to make something like this. Did you just whipstitch the squares together?? What a neat baby blanket?
Thanks 🙂 I had to look up ‘whipstitch’ so I could answer your question! But yes, that is how I joined it together 🙂 Kelly