It’s wonderful to observe our garden reawakening as we move into Spring
We’ve been spending lots of time in the garden….
weeding, pruning and planting
So when Little Miss Q and I visited a garden shop the other day
and she got very excited about the pretty pansies, we decided to get a few *smile*
When we got home, Little Miss chose where we would plant them
then helped me dig holes, before planting and watering
Then we enjoyed a well earned rest
*happy sigh*
Happy gardening,
I do so love seeing toddlers in the garden and your little cherub looks so sweet and I bet she had so much fun! She is growing isn’t she?? x
Beautiful! 🙂 Such a special time! Mummy, Daddy and Daisy spent some time in the garden this morning… we enjoyed tasting lots of our herbs and vegetable leaves while Miss Daisy giggled along! She also chose some pansies a while back from the markets! They’re still going strong! x
Lovely to see toddlers out in the garden enjoying watering and planting.
Oh yay! This post is making me grin from ear to ear.
Firstly, I just love to hear when my nook recommendations are a success.
Secondly, I’m just thrilled to hear that your kids are inspired by this book.
I bought this book for Cammy when she was a baby. Obviously, it was highly inappropriate for her at that staged, but I hoped she would love it and be inspired by it when she grew up. Just like your cherubs, she loves creating in the garden.