Creating a magical children’s garden was part of our plan for making our Waldorf inspired home…
Growing up, Husband of Mine and I were lucky to have green thumb mother’s and we appreciated the joy of a beautiful and playful garden, with special spots for children. My mother once told me that she aimed to have a beautiful picture through every window out to the garden, and she achieved this and more.
For our own garden, we had lots of ideas in mind, and wanted to make them work in our small pocket backyard. We felt a children’s garden benefited from…
✿ green grass
To run and roll on, throw a ball and run under the sprinkler. Or pretend to mow the grass like dad!
A well defined green area can help make the most of a small backyard
Herbs and vegetables to grow, pick and taste. Growing a garden is a wonderful hobby to enjoy as a family and lovely for the children to understand where things come from.
✿ cottage garden
Romantically pretty flowers to appreciate with the fairies {Dino Boy often goes looking for them *smile*}
Sweet scents attracting the birds and the bees.
✿ special nooks & spots for sitting
To soak up the sunshine, or for afternoon tea …this is one my mother taught me, she always put special sitting spots around the garden.
✿ a cubby house
To inspire imaginative play…a space all of their own! ✿ a sandpit
For digging and building ~ it is amazing how much play this sees *grin*
✿ mud garden & kitchen
For getting the hands dirty and making mud pies ~ the ingredients of childhood!
✿ a tree to climb
Ours is only little, but Dino Boy still loves to climb as high as he can. It is also a place to hang a bell, or a bird feeder
And then there are the little whimsical extras… but they can keep for another day *grin*
We have been incredibly lucky that my mother-in-law has helped us realise our vision for our beautiful children’s garden! And she continues to help with the weeding every now and again {she just can’t sit still and we are thankful!}
What do you think makes a magical children’s garden?
Warmly, Kelly

This post was part of the series
‘How to bring Waldorf into your home…’
by Kelly of Happy Whimsical Hearts
Magical is certainly the word! Oh I love this. I love their cubby and the mud kitchen. I remember the posts but it’s so cool seeing all your beautifully crafted areas together in one post.
I think what makes a magical children’s garden and outdoor area is that their parents have tailored it to their needs and interests and made it a beautiful safe space to explore – just as you have!
What a wonderful place to play and learn! I love all the gardens!
I love all the gardens, and I would love to see the little extras! Wonderfully done!!