I’ve been working on little ways to incorporate more movement into my days…
Now that I am working part time, doing school runs and going to playgroup, little time is left over for exercise, movement and meditation. So when some of my lovely readers on Facebook suggested books about yoga with children I couldn’t wait to get started *smile*
We chose Sleepy Little Yoga… and it is the sweetest little book with a good amount of poses that help children wind down, stretching before bedtime… As well as getting this Mama stretching and moving alongside them *grin*
Little Miss Q is loving it too, and each time I say bedtime… let’s go do some bedtime yoga she toddles off down to her room and gets the book ready.
Seeing her in the poses is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen… she likes being the sleepy bunny {think child’s pose}, the upside-down bat and bear cub with her legs stretched high into the air *grin*
And I know it is only a small amount of movement for me, but it is surprising how well I feel afterwards
Do you do yoga with your children? What books could you suggest?
And for more kid friendly yoga ideas pop over to Just For Daisy.