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Bedtime stories

Sometime ago I shared Dino Boy’s bedtime rhythm
Well like lots of things in life, it has evolved.
We still start with brushing teeth and putting on pjs. And then the little bits of magic start to happen…

I light a candle while the kids snuggle down in Dino Boy’s bed…
Little Miss Q loves making sure she is under the covers and all snugly for the story *smile*
Sitting down beside the bed I read to them ~ something seasonal, the current favourite…
or a chapter book…

After reading, Dino Boy blows out the candle and asks what did you do when you were little?

And I tell him, a story at a time.. the little memories *smile*
I love sharing about my childhood with them and think it is lovely that this part of our bedtime rhythm simply… evolved

So I tell them little snippets of stories… like about my cat Bickie, who was black and had a white kitten

How I loved baking muffins with my Nana.
How my granddad had a game with us where we could only step on the green pavers going to their door ~ never the red ~ unless you wanted to be chased!

How when I stayed with my grandparents at Nowhere Creek they had no power and we got to use candles for light and a fire to cook on.

And as I share these little moments of my past they come back to life and make me smile
{just like the photos I’ve shared}

Happy days

Saying goodnight

When I was little, my brothers and I developed a sing-song way of saying goodnight to our parents…
…as they left the room we would sing out ~
Goodnight, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite! Love you!
{And if it wasn’t said, we just couldn’t quite get to sleep}
Now with Dino Boy, our own bedtime sayings have developed…
…after a kiss and a squish hug {a great big bear hug}
we will say, good night, sweet dreams, love you
and as I walk from the room I always say see you in the morning 
I hadn’t realised how important this simple message of seeing him the morning had become…
…until I had to travel early in the morning for work… 
and so I didn’t say I would see him in the morning ~ because I wouldn’t
Instead I explained that I would be leaving early, before he woke up
 and that I would see him in the evening…
but until I walked out saying I’ll see you tomorrow night it hadn’t registered
 He sat up straight as a pole and said but mum you didn’t say you will see me in the morning   
and he looked stricken
So going back to his bed I wrapped my arms around him
 and again talked him through how the following day would flow
Soon after he fell asleep…
And when I got home the following day we enjoyed a wonderful squish hug
{and yes, the photos in this post are rather unrelated!}
Warmly, Kelly