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Baby steps to Waldorf

When I discovered Waldorf I wanted to jump in feet first! The approach was so enticing and felt so right. And some of the things we already did as a family fit, but many I suddenly desired to change.

Instead of taking one big leap we have taken a baby steps or work in progress approach, with some bigger jumps in between. Shifting our mindsets, habits and ways as we go. After all, parenting is a journey! This approach allows us to make adjustments as we learn more, but also as we appreciate and understand why and how things work for our family. It is a gentle and gradual approach, sensitive to the needs of the whole family.

Taking this continual journey of baby steps is also thankfully budget conscious. Because it would be very easy to spend a great deal on making a Waldorf home! The beautiful natural toys, the Waldorf dolls, play kitchens and other trappings of Waldorf… but really this isn’t necessary, although if you do want to bring these elements into your home it can be a gradual process and include many homemade elements.

Waldorf, to my mind, is about our intentions. It is about bringing a purposefulness to our home, and providing a safe and nurturing environment for our children. This means bringing a rhythm to our days and weeks. As well as trying to conduct myself with warmth, love, calmness and purpose. Taking time in whatever it is we are doing and trying to make myself worthy of imitation. These are fairly lofty ideals and aims, and I am human! So I also try to spend time on inner work.

Our journey into Waldorf is a continuing one, and along the way I remind myself that Waldorf kindergartens model themselves on the home and the warmth they provide.

Here are some of the initial baby steps to Waldorf we made…

  1. establish a rhythm
  2. reduce screen time
  3. chose to do less
  4. get crafty and creative
  5. reduce the plastic toys
  6. incorporate the seasons
  7. use gentle parenting
  8. engage in inner work

On our journey I think often about our aim to cherish childhood, focus on beauty, foster a connection with nature and to help our children grow into the people they will be. This journey into Waldorf has also helped me to gain a greater connection, purposefulness and mindfulness in parenting.

What baby steps have you taken to bring Waldorf into your home?

Warmly, Kelly

This post was part of the series
How to bring Waldorf into your home…’
by Kelly of Happy Whimsical Hearts

You can see more from this series here.