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Children’s Autumn books

Autumn Waldorf booksThis post contains affiliate links

It still feels like Summer where we are.

We have had the hottest March in many years. And a run of 30 days with above 30 degree temperatures.

This means I am so very ready for Autumn.

Autumn books

I’m ready for the cooler days, the crisp mornings, the falling leaves and the scent of the leaves going back to the earth.

I am so ready for Autumn that I am willing it into being.

By shifting and changing to Autumn on our nature table. By setting out out Autumn children’s books.

Yet still the heat remains.

Book nook for Autumn

Even with the heat we are enjoying the return of some of our favourite books.

And I must say, it truly is wonderful to have our books reappear with the seasons ~ it brings another element to the changing seasons and the magic of that transition.

So I thought I would share what we are reading *smile*

Autumn reading nook

Wild Child by Lynn Plourde and illustrated by Greg Couch, is my favourite Autumn story to read to my children. It tells the story of a spirited Autumn child who isn’t quite ready for bed. Mother Earth tends to her wild Autumn child until tiredness comes.

Autumn by Gerda Muller is a wordless board book that truly captures my children’s imaginations. Ruby loves to tell her own stories with these books, while Teddy loves pointing to all the things *grin*

Wish Soup by Rachel Larmer and illustrated by Jo Lory is a beautiful seasonal treasury that we return to time and time again. You can read my review of Wish Soup here.

When the Wind Stops by Charlotte Zolotow and illustrated by Stefano Vitale is a lovely story about how things don’t really end. Instead they change and evolve.

The Story of Little Billy Bluesocks by Sibylle von Olfers is a very sweet story about a little boy. It is innocent, joyful and fun!

Fletcher and the Falling Leaves by Julia Rawlinson and illustrated by Tiphanie Beeke is a story about change and how change can make us feel (and it has a lovely resolution).

Autumn reading

We often keep some other favourites in our book nook too. At the moment we haveĀ  Lilli-Pilli’s Sister, A New Day and Pip the Gnome.

And you can see our Easter books onĀ Instagram.

What are your favourite Autumn books?

Warmly, Kelly

Autumn nature table


I love Autumn. The crisp early mornings. The changing colours of the leaves overhead. Before the crunching of leaves underfoot. A general slowing down and move towards introspection. Warm comfort foods and the comfort of wearing layers.


And while I am ready for these beautiful Autumn days, my children hold onto the Summer. Wanting to play in the backyard after dinner until the sky darkens. Resisting longer pants and jumpers. Happily eating the last of our strawberries.


One thing they do love about the change of seasons is discovering a changed nature table. Rediscovering old friends in the Autumn fairy door and wooden gnome I made a number of years ago now. But also any new representation of the season. Like from the lovely craft swaps I enjoy ~ see the whimsical walnut shell toadstools *smile*

And the children love adding their own items from nature ~ although one seed pod my son popped in his school bag last week appeared to explode on its way home! Leaving little bits of seeds everywhere. We are still clearing them from things!


Our most adored seasonal song is for the Autumn winds, and we are having such fun singing it:

The little winds they whisper, they whisper as they pass
They tell their tiny secrets to the flowers and the grass
The big winds go a buffeting and blustering about
The little winds they whisper but the big winds shout!

Happy Autumn, Kelly