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dinosaur egg hunt

10 dinosaur activities for kids

If you pop by Happy Whimsical Hearts occasionally you probably know…
…Dino Boy loves dinosaurs!
So here is our very own round up of dinosaur activities *smile*

#1 dinosaur mud cakes

#2 making dinosaur fossils

#3 hunting for dinosaurs

#4 baking dinosaur imprint biscuits

#5 dinosaur hands

#6 dinosaur land {small world play}

#7 dinosaur egg hunt

#8 making dinosaur candles

#9 dinosaur birthday cake

#10 dinosaur t-shirt painting
And here are some on our to-do list


Happy Family Times ~ dinosaur egg hunt

Have you done something fun with your family? 

Carrie from Crafty Moms Share and I host  ~ Happy Family Times ~ so we can all share fun family ideas and hopefully inspire each other! So if you all danced one night, went for a walk, or enjoyed a special outing please link it up!

It seems we have a new Spring tradition…
…a dinosaur egg hunt!
Dino Boy has been asking me for a while if we could hunt for dino eggs
{just like last year}

And this time he wanted to help make the eggs himself!
{more on that another day though *wink*}
So while Little Miss Q was sleeping, and Dino Boy was playing…
I snuck outside and hid the dinosaur eggs through the garden!
Later they rushed outside to find them!
They found them hiding in amongst the garden beds and next to little gnomes *smile*

 They had a lovely time helping the eggs hatch!!
How do you celebrate Spring?
We can’t wait to see what your family has been doing!

~ please link up (family time oriented giveaways are ok, but please no Etsy shops)
~ use our button so others can join the fun (from the sidebar)
~ we’d love for you to follow us {Crafty Moms Share} and {Happy Whimsical Hearts}
~ check out our Happy Family Times Pintrest board where we will be pinning some of our favourite ideas
Warmly, Kelly