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An Easter egg hunt

How fun are Easter egg hunts!
I think the Easter Bunny has as much fun hiding the eggs as the hunters do finding them *wink*

And what fun places they were hidden!

Max found a chocolate egg in the gnome’s home in Nana’s garden *smile*

Be careful to check the flower beds…

Little Miss Q found some too…

After the egg hunt we enjoyed morning tea…
A moment of deep contemplation for Captain P 😉

Before playing lego with Nana…

And hide and seek!

{He won’t find us under the mulberry bush *smile*}

And makeshift nappies… mmm who emptied the nappy bag!

Happy days, Kelly

Painting eggs ~ wet crepe paper


Husband of Mine has been having lots of fun perfecting his egg blowing technique.
He tested using drill bits before settling on using the dremmel ~ hee hee hee.
Any excuse to use a power tool!



We are however grateful for his efforts *smile*
At our Waldorf playgroup the other day we painted eggs with wet crepe paper.
It was fun, so we decided to make some more at home.
We used left over crepe streamers from a birthday party and I cut them into small squares.
Master D then wet them in a small bowl of water before placing them on the eggs.


Once the eggs were covered we left them to dry.
Then we had the big reveal ~ peel off the crepe paper and ta da, pretty eggs!
Happy Easter, Kelly