Hi everyone ~ I’m visiting over at Crayon Freckles with Andie today.

Pop over to say ‘hi’ and check out my guest post, as well as the other great in {her} shoes… posts!
Warmly, Kelly
Hi everyone ~ I’m visiting over at Crayon Freckles with Andie today.
Pop over to say ‘hi’ and check out my guest post, as well as the other great in {her} shoes… posts!
Warmly, Kelly
The lovely Carrie from Crafty Moms Share has tagged me! So I’m it 😉 Which means I need to answer 11 questions from Carrie before I get to tag some blogger friends and get them to answer my questions – fun huh *smile*
** Answer the 11 questions, and then create your own
** Tag 11 bloggers and link to them in your post
** Tell them they are tagged
So… Carrie asked me ~
What got you into blogging?
When I was looking for arts and crafts to try with my son I found blogland and have been a bit addicted to it ever since. At first I just read blogs, but after a while I thought blogging would be a great way to journal what we are doing, but also hopefully give back some creative spirit *smile*
What got you into crafting?
Doing activities with my kids has got me into crafting. Honestly, a year ago I would not have believed I would be crafting! And once I started looking at different blogs I was so drawn to Waldorf inspired blogs and they always have wonderful crafting ideas to share! It is fair to say I am hooked (and I think the kids are fans too)!
What is your favourite media for crafting (fabric, paper, wood, etc.)?
Wood is probably my favourite. I love making whimsical doors, gnomes, trees and most recently little baby animals – so much fun and so many possibilities! After wood, I would say wool, oh and needle crafts.
What books are you reading?
I’ve just read Baking Bread with Children by Warren Lee Cohen. And I have to say, I love this book. Not only does it have great recipes, bread stories and songs, it also has great historical information about the grains used in breads. Organic and biodynamic farming and even information on how to make a bread oven! Love, love, love it!
I’m also reading A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin (the third book in the series). I’m only a short way in, but it is already gripping and asking me to read on!
What children’s books are favourites in your house right now?
Excitedly, I am reading The Folk of the Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton to Master D. Although, I’m not sure who is more excited each night to hear more of the adventure! I can still remember how captivated I was in grade one when my teacher read these books to my class! Hopefully he will have similarly fond memories.
What is your most accomplished craft?
Mmm, not sure how ‘accomplished’ it is, but probably my wood working. Which is so funny, I remember in woodwork at school feeling devoid of inspiration for the medium. But now I have ideas popping into my mind at the strangest moments.
What is your greatest craft dream?
To have a crafting/workshop set up where I could easily pop in and do something creative when I have the chance. And in which my husband and children could share the space.
What do you aspire to be?
Me, and the *best* me I can be for my family.
Do you own or plan to own an e-reader (Kindle, Nook, etc.)?
Mmmm, not sure. I can see how it would be useful, but there is something beautiful about curling up with a nice book, turning the pages and enjoying that book smell don’t you think?
What recent craft trend are you excited to try out?
Husband and I plan to try out the melted crayon art together, when we find the time in amongst all the other things on our to-do list.
What is the best gift you have ever received?
To be a bit corny, the gift of parenthood would have to be it. I never knew I could feel so happy, content, fulfilled and tired! But also constantly challenged (mostly in a good way!) by my little family. Life is good.
The bloggers I’m tagging are:
Mothering with Mindfulness
Crayon Freckles
My Rhythm and Rhyme in Motherhood
Sweet Simple Things
Mummy Musing and Mayhem
Adventures At Tiny Toadstool Cottage
Taming the Goblin
Adventure Academy Mom
Treegold & Beegold
And, my questions for them are:
What is your favourite childhood memory?
If you could travel anywhere where would you go?
When do you feel most fulfilled?
Which book character do you identify with?
How old do you feel?
What is your favourite time period?
A large group of friends, or an intimate circle?
What do you wish for your children?
What is your favourite season?
If, and when, the time comes, do you think you would want to be called nana, grandma, etc and why?
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I can’t wait to read their answers;-)
Thanks for reading, Kelly