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mama magic

Ruby starts school


Ruby has started preschool and she has taken a piece of my heart.

Three days a week my little girl goes to our beautiful and nurturing Waldorf school. And really there is no place I’d rather her be, starting her school journey.

She goes to a newly built and inspiring Waldorf kindergarten.

{I must take the camera one day so I can share glimpses of its beauty}

on the table

From walking her brother to and from kindergarten for two years, she knows her lovely teacher and assistant

{I adore that families stay with the same teachers where possible ~ it fosters a deeper connection between home and school life}

On her first day, she was so very excited. She was dressed, bag packed, with fruit and salad vegetable ready for the sharing bowl. When we arrived she happily placed her gumboots and jacket. Her bag and her hat. Changed into her indoor slippers, ready for play.

waiting for dad

We said our goodbyes, bestowing loving kisses and hugs. Her brave little face looked up at me.

It wasn’t until we had gone that her little face crumbled and tears ran freely.

Oh my heart when I found out at the end of the day.

engaged in play

We have shared many a cuddle and talk since. Talking about how it is okay to miss each other. And during one of our talks, I realised she needed more.

So warming my hands, I placed them above my heart and took a piece for her.

I placed my warm, heart filled hands over her heart and told her she would always have my love. And a piece of my heart.

Ruby and Teddy

Since that day she has embraced her school days. Because, as she says, from my mama magic she has a piece of my heart.

Oh she makes my heart melt. This girl of mine

Blessings, Kelly