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messy play

A mud kitchen

mud kitchenmud kitchen

Take some mud & sand, a sprinkle of flowers & leaves, mix with a dash of water and you have the ingredients for fun! Mud kitchen fun! Muffins, cakes, cups of tea and pizzas are on the menu. Served up by messy little people who are having a wonderful time!

mud kitchen

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What was once a messy wood pile has been transformed into a glorious mud kitchen.

The potting bench that was our old mud kitchen was popped into place. Together with an assortment of jugs, buckets and containers left behind by the previous owners. Given a happy new purpose *grin*

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The children found some scraps of wood and made their own serving counter and cash register. And a blackboard was set up as the menu.

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And what busy little workers we have in our mud kitchen, many many hours of fun!

Happy days, Kelly