Browsing Tag


Rainbow party

One of Dino Boy’s new school friends celebrated her birthday the other day
And we were asked to come along and join the fun…
…at her Rainbow Birthday party *squee*
When we arrived at the park at the lake
we saw beautiful rainbow decorations floating in the wind
And awaiting us all, were coloured arches
calling out to be decorated in recycled materials
Children and adults alike could not resit the call to create!

Dino Boy went straight to blue 
{his favourite colour!}
before making his way to the other colours *smile*
And when it was all done something magical happened
or so it seemed to me… since I looked away for a moment…. and then back
to see a rainbow
*happy grin*

Happy days,

Silly hat tea party

What’s a high tea party without a silly hat I ask?

A lovely friend of mine just celebrated her birthday and so we all dug into the dress-up box!

Max and Husband of Mine look great in their silly hats ~ hee hee hee

At the party we enjoyed a lovely high tea of little cakes, biscuits and slices…

Ruby thought my hat was hilarious
{somehow I don’t have a photo to share… but I was wearing a lion’s head hat *smile*}

After consuming cakes and fizzy drink, what else is there to do but spin!!

Ruby provided some music for the spinning and dancing 😉
Fresh air was then in order and some energy was expended scooting up and down the cul-de-sac

Isn’t it wonderful when you capture a glimmer of childhood joy *smile*

Warmly, Kelly