A little bit of this and that

Over the past week I’ve been jumping from project to project. So everything is part way done, and gets worked on depending on who is awake and around!

Part of my rainbow of gnomes is ready to sew up – red, orange & yellow. And green is next 🙂 I’ve decided to sew them all up at the end, rather then someone working out what they are along the way, shhhh 😉

Sneak peek

Another knitted bunny is ready to be fashioned out of my green knitted square.

Oh, and I got sidetracked by knitting some simple ‘sleeping bags’ for some new Spring Flower Gnomes that I have just made (post to come).

Apart from knitting, I’ve got other handmade items on the go. So, what with all this crafting, it may not be surprising that I haven’t done much reading. But when I do have a spare moment I’ve been enjoying ‘A Game of Thrones’ by George R.R. Martin.

Joining in with the Yarn Along 🙂

Warmly, Kelly

P.S please excuse the poor photos!

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  • Reply momto5 December 14, 2011 at 2:13 am

    i am liking the sleeping bags. what a great idea. i have a bunch of yarn ends that can’t really make anything big… maybe a bunch of sleeping bags!

  • Reply Proud Mama December 14, 2011 at 3:52 pm

    Game of Thrones is on my reading list. I actually have the audiobook. I just need to play it! Love the rainbow gnomes.

  • Reply RusticOkie December 14, 2011 at 7:42 pm

    Oh those gnomes. I have a special love for them.

  • Reply karen December 16, 2011 at 5:39 am

    I look forward to seing the rainbow gnomes finished, how cute! I love the little sleeping bags too

  • Reply Carrie December 16, 2011 at 10:10 pm

    You sound like me this week–only I have really been trying to focus my free time on making Master D’s Christmas gift from Hazel since if I don’t get it in the mail he will never get it any time near Christmas at this point. It is almost done though.

  • Reply Gracey is not my name.... December 17, 2011 at 7:34 am

    I’m on the latest book in the series, but taking a break from it, so I can make it last…I read the first four over last summer..and gnomes…I’m a big fan of gnomes..can’t wait to see how they turn out!

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