Recently I saved our eggshells, washed they out and let them dry. It must have looked quite odd, my growing pile of eggshells! Finally though, we had enough to play with. So we broke them into various sized pieces and split them among 8 bowls.
We got out watercolour tubes and Master D squirted them in and I added some water. He stir, stir, stirred…
…before pouring the paint into a bowl of eggshells. Next he gave them each a swish before we left them overnight to soak.
The next day we laid the shells on paper to dry out.
Master D then carefully tipped the shells onto a plate.
Isn’t the paper we dried them on pretty! We’ve already used two pieces of it as wrapping paper 🙂
I gave Master D some thick cardboard and glue. He started pouring the glue on and adding the occasional shell. I think he finds the glue more fun sometimes, and the way we go through it – wow!
His abstract eggshell artwork turned out really well, but I must say that I think the preparation was the best fun for him 🙂
Happy crafting, Kelly
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