I’m Bounda, I’m Bounda, I’m Bounda the Kangaroo
I have two floppy ears and two paws, how do you do?
Two paws, how do you do?
I have a long tail and two flat feet
And I like to play where the grass is juicy and sweet
I’m Bounda, I’m Bounda, I’m Bounda the Kangaroo
Kangaroos are beautiful strong creatures…
that really do bound along *smile*
These kangaroos didn’t quite bound out from the wood though *smile*
I used my usual method… of cutting them using the scroll saw
Here is the pattern I came up with for them… in case you would like to try
The main work in making them was sanding, lots and lots of sanding…
mostly while at playgroup
{sometimes the kangaroos did bound off for a little play though!}
Happy crafting, Kelly
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