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For us, Waldorf inspired gift giving is about less is more.
{This is not something I am always good at, because there are so many lovely things!}
So, we follow the gift giving philosophy of ‘something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read’
We also look for beautiful natural materials that will meet the children at their developmental stage.
So for Teddy, who is turning two, that means gifts that meet his desire to imitate.
Something he wants
Teddy loves dogs. You should see him ‘talk’ to Lucy the dog next door through the fence. It is like he is having a whole conversation!
So when I saw this adorable St Bernard Ostheimer dog it was like it said ‘woof, choose me’ *wink*
And the horse companion will be wonderful for playing with our farm mat.
Something he needs
Teddy loves to help tidy up and even tells us what we need to do next! Whether it is put out the bins or put the dishes in the dishwasher.
And he watches his dad and I sweeping and wants to do it too. So this little child sized dust pan and broom will be just the thing.
It’s funny, before discovering Waldorf I would have thought a gift like this was not only boring but also not very nice. But seeing him work with us to tidy up, I know it will be loved.
Something to wear
A clever friend of mine makes the sweetest little boys pants. With adorable whimsical fabric pockets. So for Teddy’s second birthday I asked if she would make us some new ones for our growing boy *grin*
Aren’t they adorable!
Something to read
Many times a day Teddy will bring books over to me, asking for me to sit and read with him. It’s really rather lovely.
And his favourite books are simple Waldorf inspired board books. Especially wordless books.
He loves to point to all the things. So I think Rain or Shine will soon be a favourite!
I can’t wait to celebrate my little boy.
For more inspiration, you can see Ruby’s 2nd birthday gifts here, as well as Max’ 6th birthday party here.
??? And you can see more snippets of our days on Facebook and Instagram ???
Blessings, Kelly
this is just lovely, so simple and so beautiful. I love the philosophy behind the presents. It’s so nice to see when excess seems to be the norm!
And it is so easy to get caught up in that commercialism of birthdays and celebrations. So nice to bring it back into control and focus on relationships and traditions x
Oh the wooden animals are so gorgeous!!
We use a similar gift giving philosophy for our kids at Christmas and it works so well!
Aren’t they lovely. Such a great size for little hands too 🙂 Since we started using the gift giving approach it has made life easier but also the gifts are more mindfully chosen.
Beautiful! They are gifts that can be really enjoyed and in time even passed down to siblings.
So true, they are heirloom toys <3 I was even thinking they'll be lovely for grandchildren one day, hahaha.
I love the philosophy of less is more, a lovely way for kids (and adults ) to really appreciate what they have.
Oh I love this so, so much.
We follow a similar approach to gift giving at Christmas so it’s nice to read of other families doing the same 🙂
We love wordless books here too and those wooden animals are just gorgeous!
Wordless books are lovely aren’t they! And yes, the Ostheimer wooden toys are beautiful
what a thoughtful and beautiful collection of gifts! i definitely agree that less is more 🙂