I adore seeing my friend’s Waldorf inspired homes.
I take such inspiration from the way they have arranged things, their toy choices and the general feel of their space.
These lovely photos are from one such friend’s home.
My friend lives in a sweet cottage, set back up off the road, with wonderful green paddocks, gum trees and a dam nearby.
She has lovely big windows letting light stream through.
The first thing I noticed when I visited was the feel of her home.
The way it welcomed, warmed and made me feel comfortable.
I can imagine her lovely children embraced by their surroundings.
Happily playing with their beautiful and simple Waldorf inspired toys.
With sunlight gently dancing around them as they cuddle their dolls and make cups of tea at their play kitchen.
Isn’t it a lovely space *smile*
You can see our play kitchen here and some of our Waldorf inspired toys here.
??? And follow along on Facebook and Instagram to see snippets of our days ???
Blessings, Kelly
Oh wow! I’ve just managed to read some blogs in my reader and love your post! I’ve enjoyed the photos of this home that you’ve been sharing on instagram Kelly! It is truly a delightful space!!
[…] often wondered what this book is like, and recently had the chance to look through a copy at a friend’s house. It is super lovely, so I can’t wait to share it with Ruby. She will also receive The Cleo […]