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Waldorf school

Crafting for the children’s tent

gnome peg doll2

Children enter the Children’s Tent with their parents remaining outside. They can take a little time to look at the small treasures displayed within. And when they are ready, they may choose whichever speaks to them.

royal peg doll

This is a magical tent only for our wee folk. And only for when they are ready to enter alone. Giving them space to explore and choose.

The line to the Children’s Tent at our Waldorf school Spring Fair is always long. The children stand as patiently as they can, holding their dollars ready to enter for the price of three. The tent is covered in veils holding the mystery within.

butterfly peg doll2

And as the children leave with their treasure held carefully in their hands their joy is a beautiful thing.

Each family with children in grade one create special little items for the Children’s Tent. A gift to the school community.

childrens' tent

My offerings are simple and sweet. Little gnomes, fairies and kings or queens. As well as some Rainbow Wind Wands *smile*

Happy crafting, Kelly


A Waldorf Winter Festival

Waldorf Lantern Walk

In early Winter our Steiner school celebrated our Winter Festival.


Winter festival

The children, all rugged up, waited patiently while the sun started to set. And as the sun went down the light of the shining lanterns seemed to blossom through the grounds.

A lantern walk

Lantern Walk

The children silently walked in procession towards a large grass area where two giant spirals enticed them to twist and turn through. Lanterns of many colours, sizes and styles were held ~ owls, castles and boats to name a few.

A beautiful Winter story of community, unity, friendship and trust was told. With each class having a part to play. And as my son’s class sang their lovely piece my heart swelled.

Owl lanterns

Fire sticks

When the story was all told out, a dance of fire and trust took place. Many a breath was held as they circled with their fire sticks. A mesmerising and powerful dance of trust it was.

Of all the wonderful Waldorf festivals, the Winter Festival is the most beautiful to behold.

Blessings, Kelly