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A gingerbread house


This Christmas we all took part in creating our gingerbread house.

I made the gingerbread dough.

My husband cut the pieces, baked them and constructed our little house (his tip is using beer bottles to hold the walls while the icing sets).

gingerbread house decorating

Then the children set to work decorating and, of course, sampling! And as the years go by, we relinquish more and more of the decorating to them.

It’s lovely to sit back and watch them bring it all together.

And I adore looking back on the sweet little gingerbread houses we have made over the years, with their jolly little decorations *grin*

decorating gingerbread house

Our gingerbread house is dessert on Christmas day.

This year we shared it with my dad and his partner. We were all a little reluctant to break into the house… but once we did… *grin*

gingerbread house

And I’m usually behind the camera, watching, taking photos…  But this time I’m even in some photos!

(I might even try to be in the photos a little more often… we will see!)

gingerbread cottage

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.

Blessings, Kelly

Our family Christmas traditions

{This post contains affiliate links}

Waldorf window stars

Christmas truly is a magical time of year.

And the anticipation as we journey towards Christmas day is as important and special as the day itself.

Christmas tree

As a family we have slowly created our Christmas traditions. Working out what is special and meaningful for us.

And along the way, I have read inspiring books that have helped me find that meaning and bring it into our family.

decorating for Christmas

And as each festive season slowly unfolds, I watch my children eagerly anticipate the elements they have come to recognise as making our family Christmas

Christmas book nook

The Christmas books return to the book nook and they spend hours revisiting their favourites.

Christmas books

We venture out on a hot Summer’s day to find the Christmas tree that sings to us, telling us it is the one.

getting the Christmas tree

They carefully and excitedly open the box that holds our Christmas decorations. They rediscover their creations of years past.

decorating the Christmas tree

We spend afternoons and evenings crafting. Warming wax in our hands to decorate amazingly scented beeswax candles.


And the sun is captured and celebrated through our beautiful Waldorf window stars. The little ones join in by filling shapes of trees and stars with rainbows of kite paper.

sun catchers

Our beautiful nativity reemerges to grace our nature table. And our mornings start with the opening of parcels from our advent stick.

And closer to Christmas day itself the wonderful scent of cinnamon and ginger will fill our home as the children bake a gingerbread house with their dad.

And on Christmas Eve, we will lull them to sleep by looking at the Christmas lights over our neighbourhood.

This is what Christmas is for us *smile*

This post was sponsored by the beautiful shop, Dragonfly Toys. An Australian based Waldorf inspired shop which aims to keep the magic of childhood alive.

Blessings, Kelly