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Crafting & yarning… on

My bonnet is finished, and well… umm I don’t like it at all. I’m not sure where I went wrong?! Well ok, I know that I got a bit distracted on the ribbing to finish it off, but that can’t be the reason for the strange almost adult size and odd shape… or can it??

Somehow this picture of Master D doesn’t show quite how badly the shape and fit are… For comparison here is a link to a picture from the pattern.

And here is Little Miss Q trying it on for size (this is her new *smile for the camera* face hee hee)

So I’m not sure what I will do with the bonnet… probably pull it apart and try a different pattern?? I’d really like to try the Aviatrix that so many clever knitters have been making, but I’m not sure I understand what I need to do in parts. Maybe I’ll just give it a go ~ can’t turn out worse than this bonnet surely, lol.

For a change from knitting in the evening I thought I would try my hand at some very simple needlework. I found some super cute patterns here and have started the first one. My thought is they might make a cute table runner 🙂

And I also managed to finish reading A Clash of Kings ~ to be honest it got so good I simply had to find time to read it! I went out and bought the next one, well I thought it was the next one… turns out it comes in two parts and I bought the wrong one – doh!

Luckily my lovely Fraggle friend sent me a new book in the mail. It is called The $21 Challenge and is about challenging yourself to spend only $21 for a week’s shopping. Not every week mind you, but every now and again when you are feeling the pinch, or want to make sure you are using your pantry stores up. I’ve only just started reading it, so hopefully I will read some gems to share 😉

This week I’m joining in with Nicole at Frontier Dreams for Crafting On and Ginny at Small Things for the Yarn Along 🙂 Can’t wait to see what everyone else has been up to!

Warmly, Kelly