I think of all the crafting I do these days, making little magical whimsical doors has to be my favourite 🙂 I just love the possibilities they suggest and invite.
I heard that a little boy asked how the fairies go in their door, to which his grandma replied…
‘you see that tiny little hole in the wood there?‘
‘mmm, yes‘ he said
‘well, that’s where they go in…’
I was thrilled when I heard this story about a door I had created! Just magic – I hope it set the little boy’s imagination soaring!
These are my latest creations 🙂
Happily creating, Kelly
[…] ~ Peg dolls {from Learning4Kids}, door knobs to magic into mushrooms and wooden planks from whence fairy doors and gnomes emerge {from our local hardware shop, Bunnings} and wooden rings to make ribbon […]
[…] the scroll saw. It is lots of fun, but eats up any free time I happen to find, evidence available here and […]
[…] But I did love the idea of creating my own toys for my children to play with… Little fairy doors and gnomes made from wood Knitted animals or gnomes {always gnomes} I love making these little […]