Does this look like part of gnome land to you?
Where little gnomies, fairies and sprites might frolic and play…
These are my latest creations… made for some gorgeous twins who just turned 2!
I was very flattered when their lovely mum, Jode from Mummy Musings and Mayhem, asked me to make something for them *smile*
Gnomies that look alike, but different {just like the sweet girls themselves}
And since I can never just make a couple…
A whimsical door that will be winging it’s way to my Nana soon *smile*
Happy crafting, Kelly
1 Comment
[…] lovely alternative to water colour paints with rich earthy tones… just calling out to bring fairy doors and gnomes to life {I purchased a sample kit from Gallagher’s 3 years ago and still have […]