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Waldorf toys

Waldorf toys

Waldorf toys

These are the Waldorf loose part ‘toys’ my children play with everyday…

waldorf shelves

Sticks & rocks


Playsilks and rectangle blocks

natural wooden beads

Wooden beads with shoe laces for threading

little wooden cars

Little wooden cars

knitted gnomes

Handknitted gnomes

tree branch blocks

Tree branch blocks

window blocks

Window blocks

(yes, lots of blocks!)


Handmade woolen twisties


They use them to build towers, buildings, roads, fairy houses (lots of fairy houses!), for small world play and whatever they imagine. These toys are always out and available for play in our lounge room. I don’t tend to rotate them other than sometimes changing which basket they are in *grin*

The brilliant thing about these toys is that the children don’t grow out of them like other toys. They can be used very simply and then in more complex and imaginative ways as the children grow.

What do your children play with everyday?

Happy playing, Kelly

Simple play

playingplaying with peg dolls

I love watching my children play. Even better, I love when they play while I do the things I need to do. Which can include enjoying a nice relaxing cup of tea *wink*


I set out this simple invitation to play late one night. Really I was enjoying playing too (even adults need to play!), and I was anticipating their reaction to discovering it in the morning.

I thought my daughter would be most captivated by it, but was pleasantly surprised when my littlest was the one inspired to play and explore.

little friends

The gnomes popped in and out of their little pots. Felt balls were moved around. They shared the pieces, happily playing alongside each other. And then the whole land was redesigned by their little hands.

brother and sister

And such simple toys, and such sweet simple play. A playsilk, some blocks, rainbow arches as bridges and some gnomes.

What are your go-to simple play ideas?

Happy days, Kelly